Minggu, 21 Maret 2021

buat file (cetak.php)



include "koneksi.php";

if( empty( $_SESSION['iduser'] ) ){

$_SESSION['err'] = '<strong>ERROR!</strong> Anda harus login terlebih dahulu.';

header('Location: ./');


} else {

   $nis = $_REQUEST['nis'];


      //cetak nota pembayaran sesuai NIS dan BULAN

      $submit = $_REQUEST['submit'];

      $kls = $_REQUEST['kls'];

      $bln = $_REQUEST['bln'];


      //print: $nis, $nama, $kls, $bln, $tgl_bayar, $jml

      $sql = mysql_query("SELECT s.nama,p.tgl_bayar,p.jumlah FROM siswa s INNER JOIN pembayaran p ON s.nis = p.nis AND p.nis='$nis'");

      list($nama,$tgl_bayar,$jml) = mysql_fetch_array($sql);


      $printTestText = "NIS   : ".$nis."\n";

      $printTestText .= "NAMA  : ".$nama."\n";

      $printTestText .= "KELAS : ".$kls."\n\n";

      $printTestText .= "========================================\n";

      $printTestText .= str_pad($tgl_bayar,20);

$printTestText .= str_pad($bln,3);

$printTestText .= str_pad($jml,10," ",STR_PAD_LEFT)."\n";

      $printTestText .= "========================================\n";

      $printTestText .= "\n";

      $printTestText .= "\n";

      $printTestText .= str_pad("--= TERIMA KASIH =--",40," ",STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

      $printTestText .= "\n";


      //echo $printTestText;

      $handle = printer_open('PDFcreator');              //nama printer

      printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "TEXT");  //mode printer: RAW, TEXT

      printer_write($handle, $printTestText);



      //tutup jendela setelah cetak

      echo '<script>window.close();</script>';

   } else {

      //cetak seluruh pembayaran sesuai NIS


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body {

  min-height: 200px;

  padding-top: 50px;


   @media print {

      .noprint {

         display: none;






    <div class="container">


   echo '<h3>Bukti Pembayaran SPP</h3>';

   $qsiswa = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM siswa WHERE nis='$nis'");

   list($nis,$nama,$idprodi) = mysql_fetch_array($qsiswa);


   echo '<div class="row">';

   echo '<div class="col-sm-6"><table class="table table-bordered">';

   echo '<tr><td colspan="2">Nomor Induk</td><td colspan="3">'.$nis.'</td></tr>';

   echo '<tr><td colspan="2">Nama Siswa</td><td colspan="3">'.$nama.'</td></tr>';

   echo '<tr class="info"><th width="50">#</th><th width="100">Kelas</th><th>Bulan</th><th>Tanggal Bayar</th><th>Jumlah</th>';

   echo '</tr>';


   //tampilkan histori pembayaran, jika ada

   $qbayar = mysql_query("SELECT kelas,bulan,tgl_bayar,jumlah FROM pembayaran WHERE nis='$nis' ORDER BY tgl_bayar DESC");

   if(mysql_num_rows($qbayar) > 0){

      $no = 1;

      while(list($kelas,$bulan,$tgl,$jumlah) = mysql_fetch_array($qbayar)){

         echo '<tr><td>'.$no.'</td>';

         echo '<td>'.$kelas.'</td>';

         echo '<td>'.$bulan.'</td>';

         echo '<td>'.$tgl.'</td>';

         echo '<td>'.$jumlah.'</td>';

         echo '</tr>';




   } else {

      echo '<tr><td colspan="6"><em>Belum ada data!</em></td></tr>';


   echo '</table></div></div>';


   <a class="noprint btn btn-default" onclick="fnCetak()">Cetak</a>

   </div> <!-- /container -->

    <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript, Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->

    <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>

    <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(".force-logout").alert().delay(3000).slideUp('slow', function(){

window.location = "./logout.php";


      function fnCetak() {











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